About the CDI

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CDI Mission

The University of Vermont (UVM) Libraries’ Center for Digital Initiatives (CDI) makes unique digital collections available for researchers at UVM and beyond. The CDI seeks to cooperate with university, community, state, and other partners to produce cohesive digital collections which broadly appeal to various user groups. These collections may be digitized or born digital and may include documents, photographs, data, artifacts, audiovisual materials, and more.

The CDI serves as a resource for creating, preserving, and accessing digital collections by providing state-of-the-art digitization equipment, infrastructure, services, and support. Faculty and staff of the CDI participate in the development of international standards for the creation, description, and discovery of digital content. They research, create and share innovative applications for digital services in the library profession.

Our Goal

For students, faculty, staff, scholars, and community members to participate as users and creators of digital resources in an open, collaborative environment.

About Our Funders

The University of Vermont Libraries' Center for Digital Initiatives was established and is supported with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The mission of IMLS is “to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas.” For more information about IMLS and its programs, please visit http://www.imls.gov/about/about.shtm.

Information about funding for individual projects can be found in respective "About the Collection" sections.