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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in Redis_Lock_Predis->lockAcquire() (line 77 of /var/www/html/drupal7/sites/all/modules/redis/lib/Redis/Lock/Predis.php).(1 - 5 of 5)
- Title
- Amazing Maize
- Date Created
- 2000
- Description
The cartoon shows a woman standing at the edge of a large corn field holding a flag with a very long handle. There are two wooden signs. One reads, "Welcome to the Special Ed IEP Process" and the other says, "Please, Take a flag in case you get lost." There is a flag in the field to the left of...
Show moreThe cartoon shows a woman standing at the edge of a large corn field holding a flag with a very long handle. There are two wooden signs. One reads, "Welcome to the Special Ed IEP Process" and the other says, "Please, Take a flag in case you get lost." There is a flag in the field to the left of the panel and someone hidden in the corn maize saying, "I'm back at the same place again." and another flag on the right side of the panel with a different hidden person saying, "Does this ever end?" The tag line reads, "The amazing special education maize."
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- Title
- Chin Drop
- Date Created
- 2000
- Description
The cartoon shows two frames separated by a zig-zag open space to indicate these are two different places at the same point in time. The frame on the right shows a woman wearing a phone headset and is sitting at a desk. She says to the person on the other end of the line, "Big News! From now on...
Show moreThe cartoon shows two frames separated by a zig-zag open space to indicate these are two different places at the same point in time. The frame on the right shows a woman wearing a phone headset and is sitting at a desk. She says to the person on the other end of the line, "Big News! From now on we're expected to actually implement all the provisions of IDEA" The man in the frame on the left is holding the phone and drops his chin on the table making a loud "Thump!" when he hears the news. To which the woman on the other end replies, "Wow. This phone line is clear!" The tag line reads, "After receiving inevitable news. You could hear a chin drop."
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- Title
- Lawyers Part of Every Day
- Date Created
- 1998
- Description
This cartoon shows a teacher at the door of her classroom with slightly confused look of her face as she says, "Can I help you?" to a man at her door. The man is carrying a brief case that is labeled with the words "Threats, Intimidation, Legalese, Coercion" and he says to the teacher, "Yes, I'm...
Show moreThis cartoon shows a teacher at the door of her classroom with slightly confused look of her face as she says, "Can I help you?" to a man at her door. The man is carrying a brief case that is labeled with the words "Threats, Intimidation, Legalese, Coercion" and he says to the teacher, "Yes, I'm Bill M. Hourly, Esquire. I'm here to ensure collaboration for Joey's inclusion through adversarial methods." The tag line under the cartoon reads, "The Bar Association proposes an amendment to IDEA requiring that lawyers be part of every child's IEP team."
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- Title
- Long Arm of the Law
- Date Created
- 2000
- Description
The cartoon shows a crowd of people at a conference. The title of the conference on a banner reads, "Welcome to the IDEA Violators Annual Conference." There is a sandwich board that reads, "Keynote: How to Avoid Compliance and Penalties at the Same Time." There is a long shadow of an arm reaching...
Show moreThe cartoon shows a crowd of people at a conference. The title of the conference on a banner reads, "Welcome to the IDEA Violators Annual Conference." There is a sandwich board that reads, "Keynote: How to Avoid Compliance and Penalties at the Same Time." There is a long shadow of an arm reaching toward the crowd. The tag line reads, "When it comes to enforcing IDEA, The long arm of the law isn't long enough."
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- Title
- Misdemeanor Middle School
- Date Created
- 1998
- Description
This cartoon shows a student in a wheelchair sitting outside a school. The school building is on tall stilts, is surrounded by barbed wire, and has only one entrance at the top of a long steep stairway. The building has a ground level sign that says, "IDEA, L.R.E., and F.A.P.E" and high above a...
Show moreThis cartoon shows a student in a wheelchair sitting outside a school. The school building is on tall stilts, is surrounded by barbed wire, and has only one entrance at the top of a long steep stairway. The building has a ground level sign that says, "IDEA, L.R.E., and F.A.P.E" and high above a sign over the entrance door reads, "Welcome. Misdemeanor Middle School." The student looking up at the inaccessible entrance has a thought bubble filled with random characters indicating he's saying a series of expletives to himself. The tag line under the cartoon reads, "Administration at Misdemeanor Middle School continue to consider themselves above the law."
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