[Mrs. Abed Whipple?] to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 April 3

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No PomfretApr 3d. 1888Miss Katie E Fletcher,

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we received a letter from Harry last night with yours enclosed and I thought I might be doing you a faver if I dropped you a card and let you know about our school. the Com hired a teacher at once from Norwich Vt the same one we had one year ago I hear from the district south of us they have to have the same teacher they had last year. I have not heard from No Pomfret [since] but know of a girl in the district wha hopes to get it if she has, not, [Willie] goes to West [H]- to day and will enquire of the stage driver who is Com- at So Pomfret. your letter was delayed by coming here & being remailed to So Royalton where Larry & his wife are stopping for a few weeks on account of the traveling, this way we want more girls for house work & less for teachers, the girl that taught, here two years ago went a few weeks ago to Mass and is doing house work tell your Father we are all getting along about as usual are milking 21 cows so all have plenty to do. I have no help but a little girl of 12 years

Yours with respect[Mrs Abed Whipple]


Miss Katie E FletcherJeffersonvilleVtNORTH POMFRETVT.APR 3 1888

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