Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Camp Near Fairfax Station Va.March 23d 1863Dear Sister

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I have nothing in particular to write this evening except that we move tomorrow. We are going to Union Mills about 8 miles from here, where we shall probarbly have some picketing to do. The 15th is going out somewhere near us, & the 14th down to the Shoals where the 12th & 13th are. This is the last letter I shall write from “Camp Near Fairfax Station”. We are all well & feeling tip top. Since I last wrote mother Lieut has resigned. Kit Haskins, 1st Lieut Co I. he left camp this morning. Adin Whitmore has resigned also & will have his papers all right in a few days.

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His father (Ham Whitmore) from Springfield is here.

I will write no more to night as there is no news or anything interesting to write, should not have written at all this evening but thought prehaps we might not get settled so I could do so conveiniently again for a day or two.

Love to all
Your Aff Brother Joseph Spafford
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